Design Thinking: Tools & Techniques to Problem-Solve Creatively (05 Jul 2023)

Training Sessions

Learn how to apply Design Thinking principles at an individual and professional level; and understand how design thinking can be utilized for problem-solving. Such skills are essential to succeeding at the workplace, remaining employable in a competitive environment and increasing one's employability.

Secrets to Getting a Yes! (07 July 2023)

Training Sessions

Whether you are aware of it or not, you have been negotiating with people your entire life. When we enter the workplace, we negotiate with our colleagues, customers, suppliers, and our bosses. Negotiation is the one skill that can be improved through training, and you will learn the HOW of negotiation at this sharing.

Win the Search (11 July 2023)

Training Sessions

Win the Search! is a 4-hour interactive workshop that seeks to share with jobseekers the practical steps that they can take to craft an effective resume and increase their chances of getting selected for interviews.

Win the Interview (12 July 2023)

Training Sessions

Jobseekers can avail themselves to latest interview techniques and prepare themselves to answer challenging interview questions. By applying the right techniques, jobseekers will be able to improve their responses and project a confident self during an interview.