Win the Interview (12 July 2023)

Training Sessions

Jobseekers can avail themselves to latest interview techniques and prepare themselves to answer challenging interview questions. By applying the right techniques, jobseekers will be able to improve their responses and project a confident self during an interview.

e2i Green Economy Virtual Career Fair

Career Fairs

Interested to be part of the Green Economy in Singapore?
Join us and apply for roles that interest you in e2i's Green Economy Virtual Career Fair!

Workshop: Communication with Inter-Generations at the Workplace (18 July 2023)

Training Sessions

Strong communication skills enhance one’s employability and is key to forging great work relationships with co-workers and management. How does one bridge generational gaps, understand culture and promote harmonious communication at the workplace? Join us for a four-part series to discover the art of effective communication.

Elevator Pitch – 4 Rules to Hit Home Run

Job Opportunity Briefing / Training Preview

Learn how to tackle the question - tell me more about yourself? Craft your elevator pitch with the right structure and content to score a home run with your interviews.

The workshop will be conducted over Zoom on 18th July, 10am to 11am.