
The environmental services industry is seeing a higher demand for skilled workers, as companies begin introducing technological initiatives to improve processes and create more value-added jobs for over 30,000 workers by 2025.

Source: NEA

How does e2i support the Environmental Services industry?

Safe And Defensive Driving Through Personalized Assessments With Technology

A new training initiative between e2i, SembWaste Pte Ltd and Singapore Bus training and Evaluation Centre (SGBTec) will benefit SembWaste waste collection truck drivers to equip the workers with relevant skill sets for their daily grind. Workers were immersed in a one-day programme, which helps correct driving behaviour and imparts essential knowledge through theoretical lessons and practical scenario-based simulator driving training.

The technology provides personalized assessments and recommendations, allowing drivers to experience real-life situations in the safety of the training grounds. With this training programme, the SembWaste workers are now better equipped to handle other road users while on the job and can also identify and deal with potentially hazardous road situations.

Learning About Environmental Services Industry Transformation Map

A 1½ day Urban Pest Management Forum was held in conjunction with the National Environment Agency (NEA) and Singapore Pest Management Association in support of the Environmental Services Industry Transformation Map. The forum was attended by more than 200 industry practitioners to learn about upskilling; know the latest innovations, research and knowledge; and hear experts sharing on challenging issues faced by the industry.

Minister for the Environment and Water Resource, Mr. Masagos Zulkifli, who was the Guest-of-Honour, mentioned there is immense potential to transform Singapore’s environmental services and pest management sector which will present opportunities to develop local enterprises and provide good jobs for Singaporeans.


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